He She Ze and We supports Transgender and Nonbinary people by empowering their families, communities, and allies to create life-saving, inclusive environments.

  • We believe that everyone should live in a state that covers transgender health services.
  • We believe that all Virginians should have inclusive policies and legal protections. 
  • We believe that everyone in the state deserves access to life-saving family programming.
  • We believe families deserve knowledgeable caregivers including medical providers, school personnel, and legislators.

He She Ze and We is a 501(c)3 Non-profit that offers weekly educational support meetings for parents, caregivers and adult family members of transgender and gender-diverse children of all ages. These meetings are an opportunity to talk and listen to others going through a similar journey.

HSZ&W meetings are designed for adult family members that would like to learn more about gender identity and how to support their transgender, nonbinary, or gender-diverse loved one(s). Our facilitators and attendees work together to create a brave, safe, and confidential environment that is supportive of learning and processing information together. We offer both virtual and in person options. If you have a gender diverse loved one, you are invited to learn and share with us.

We offer education and support to businesses, schools, agencies, and community groups with our Ally & Community Education Program. Our professional training sessions help participants expand their knowledge about gender identity and learn ways to provide a more welcoming, inclusive environment to Transgender and Nonbinary individuals. Fill out the interest form and our Executive Director will reach out directly to you to discuss options.


Giving online has never been more secure, convenient or hassle-free with our one-click donation. We also do accept standard cash and check donations.

Become a Volunteer

Many allies think that Acceptance IS Support. Allyship means to take action…What can you DO to show your support? Every step, big or small, can have a positive impact.